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Showing posts from November, 2009

I DON'T...

I was only eight years old when I told my mother I didn’t want to get married. Her reaction is quite hard to forget considering the fact that I still have a scar to remind me. She calmly went outside, plucked a whip from the tree in front of our home and gave me the swiping of my life. (Just kidding) What she really did was burst into tears. Needless to say, I never said that to her again. Fast forward nineteen years and a five year relationship later and my views about marriage are still pretty much the same. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to marry Joe...He is like the sweetest man I have ever known and besides, he’s the only man who even made me reconsider my vows to stay single for life; If I ever do get married, it would be to him. That doesn’t mean that if this five year relationship doesn’t end up in marriage I would go on a frantic man hunt to still the wagging tongues of fellow colleagues or to smoothen out the disapproving glances my relatives throw at me during f...

The limit of authority?

Hello all! Im featuring someone on my blog today who has over time come to be a very dear person to me.Her life challenges me to stay focused on God and she is the one person i can go to when i have questions about my faith i need to be answered.ladies and gents,Temitope Reffel... This morning I found myself thinking, ‘could this possibly be all that the Father wants for us as Christians?’ That we wake up in the morning, have our quiet time, say our prayers, fellowship with him, sing worship songs, enjoy His presence and be baptized in His love yet never make meaningful impact in the world; never make manifest his great power that is in our lives. Are we just supposed to contribute our little quota in terms of giving to the needy, praying for friends and family in need of our prayers, fasting and asking that we know more of him and be more like Him and that He does his work of transformation in us? Really, is that all there is to our spirituality? What about all the power ...

Extreme Opposites

In the third season of the series heroes, a new villain is added to the plot and he has a very interesting super power so to speak. He is ordinary until he smells fear. The scent of fear makes him develop super human strength and turns him into a deadly killing machine. I bet if he had a motto, it would run something like this; No fear, no power...more fear...more power! Fear most definitely empowers but you have to ask yourself, who is it empowering? You? If it were you, don’t you think you would feel a whole lot better than you do with all the excess baggage of fears you carry around with you? What are you most afraid of? Think about it...we all have fears. It may be that tiny nagging fear that you may not have enough money to eat dinner the next day or it could the all consuming fear of tomorrow. Whatever it is, fear is something that we all have to deal with...not live with. The minute you start believing your fears, it becomes a reality. Why? Because you empower it to e...

The love test....

‘I love you’...and there you have it ladies and gentlemen, the three most magical words in the world. Now don’t tell me you don’t think they are magical. Even the toughest of sceptics will feel the need to clear his throat after watching Richard Gere ride up in the white limousine to sweep Julia Roberts off her feet with his sincere declaration of love. Even the most hardened of hearts would be melted by the flame of nostalgia when it sees love in action...simply put, love was meant to break walls and soften hard hearts. It’s quite easy to say those words however but do you actually mean them? Or are you just saying them as a means to an end? Granted, some women say it to get the bucks and some men say it to get the booty but the fact that many people say it and don’t mean it doesn’t nullify its power of love when it is sincere. As Christians, the greatest challenge we face involves loving other people as much as we love ourselves. But Jesus also knew that it would be the gre...

The last man standing

Every woman dreams of prince charming. He's supposed to be the tall, dark, handsome man who swoops down in a show of breathtaking courage and rescues you from your tragic situation. The villain in my case was my dad. Six foot plus and sterner than most dads I knew in the area. He had screaming fits over the smallest things and his tongue would have done Hitler proud. It had the potential to erode anyone's self esteem in three seconds flat!! I couldn’t get out of the house fast enough and I thought getting married to prince charming would be the best way to escape. There I was, young and full of naive dreams of a man whisking me away from my father and giving me the life I had always wanted. A life with quiet strolls through the beaches of the Bahamas and of massages and gentle foot’s funny, but now when I think about all that prince charming was going to do for me had we gotten together, I realize, I never once envisioned what I would do for him in return; W...