The memory of you sizzles
As pictures of you are burned deep
Into the matter of my mind.
Clarity is the price I pay
For not noticing you were there.
Suddenly I can see you laugh
In that careless way of yours;
You throw back your head and roar
Lean forward and clutch your belly with graceful fingers;
Suddenly, I can see you saunter
Into a room and hold your own in the banter
Wit matching wit,
Wit surpassing wit,
Gay with youth
Flushed with the pride of holding your own
Against the rising tide.
I kind of assumed you would live forever
Or at least until my last grandchild
Tore out the strands of your graying hair.
You were going to be his godfather
But I didn’t even know it till I heard
That you had left this world’s fleshy fray.
Now my heart won’t stop aching
Like a rotting tooth it throbs every minute;
Now my eyes won’t stop tearing up,
Like a broken fountain it gushes;
Now my mind won’t stop playing
Those precious frames of moments
Captured and frozen deep inside.
Time capsule released by the hands of death
I see you watch me and it makes me cry.
Could I have stopped the hands of time?
Could I have leapt through space?
And held your hand as you floated away?
I didn’t get the chance to say
You were one of a kind,
I didn’t get the chance to say
You were one of a kind…
he was one in a million,hate to admit it but too good for this jaydaemon