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Whose side are you on?

I don’t think it’s easy to serve God. Some people make it sound like once you start walking with him, everything falls into place. They forget to mention that for things in your life to fall into place, some things have gotta give and others have to be moved around a bit. So it’s not surprising that once you have turned your life over to God, all hell seems to break loose...literally.

You’re no longer comfortable with the things you used to do before. Your thought pattern is challenged in most painful ways, and then, you’re expected to act in a way that seems to tear the very flesh away from your bones. For me, it’s been one hell hole after another but I can confidently tell you that while I feel pain so intense that I have to hit my head on the wall to stop from committing murder, I won’t have it any other way. At the end of the day when all is said and done, I would rather be on God’s side than to be against him.

Have you taken a good look at the enemy’s curriculum vitae lately? It’s amazing!! He has managed to increase crimes like rape and murder to numbers that practically shoot through the roof not to mention the fact that he has successfully brainwashed generation after generation of people into believing that they are masters of their own destiny. Don’t get me wrong, they are masters of their own masters that is but don’t think for one minute that the devil is going to let you know that!

There are quite a number of things that he has done but my point is, when you look at God’s curriculum vitae in comparison, being on his side is the wiser choice. So, why aren’t people on his side more you would ask?

I would like to think it’s because they are terrified of the notion of handing over their lives to an unseen entity. For many of them, it connotes a powerlessness that they are not willing to concede to and I can totally relate to that. I used to be scared that the instant I gave my life over to him, he’d have me married off to some man I didn’t want because it would be his will or he would make me do something I didn’t want to do...I still have those fears from time to time but the more I get to know him, the more I know that I can trust his choices for my life. And besides, do we honestly think that we know what we want more than the one who created us? That’s like saying a Toyota car suddenly saying ‘I don’t think I was made for driving; I was made for flying’!

What I’m trying to say in essence is that serving God comes with a lot of pain and sacrifices. I’ve made a few sacrifices and gone through pain and I know I haven’t seen the last of both. Jesus sure didn’t promise it would be easy, after all he did say if you want to follow him, take up your cross. But I rest assured on the knowledge that as long as I am treading the path God has out me on, I will have the peace and strength I need to carry on. The world’s a battleground folks and that is the truth...Question is, whose side are you on?


  1. Why dont you have a follow me button....I love all you post and they all seem to echo my inner-most thoughts as a growing christian. It really isnt easy to serve God and live like Christ but that is why it is not by our power or might..but by the spirit of God. He'll surely see us through..


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